Please note that this website is a mock and is intended for demonstration purposes only.

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Data Registry

Registration Process

At the beginning of the registration process, the user must fill out a registration form and accept the General Terms and Conditions (GTCs). The client submits this form to the server, which issues a new x509 certificate and stores the serial number in the database. This is later used to identify the user anonymously. The certificate is sent back to the client, which starts a download for it. The user stores the certificate in a retrievable location.

The login starts with the user uploading his x509 certificate generated during registration in the client. The client sends this to the server, which checks the validity of the certificate and checks the database to see if the serial number is assigned. If the check is successful, a JSON Web Token (JWT) is generated and sent to the client. All personal data is stored in the token so that data relevant to data protection is never stored on the server side. The client stores the token and sends it to the server with every future request.

Login Process